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The Village of Soria

Once upon a time there was a small little town called Soria.

Well you've probably never heard of this town,well thats because it has magic,for you its probably just a valley,for the people that live in Soria,its a big village,well,now i'm going to tell you about when Soria fought the great Mentodor,It all started with the young Jake he was a troublemaker,let me tell you that,he was up to his biggest sceme,since it was going to be 4 of July he thought maybe he could steal the magical fireworks,but he knew he would get caught because the great wizard would

catch him with magic.

The great wizard was the who put the barrier around Soria,he protected Soria and the people in it from the outside world,nobody in Soria had ever gone to the outside world except the great wizard.Jake was still planning how to get the fireworks without being caught.

While Jake was planning the great wizard came in Jake's room,he said,'I know what you are up to Jake",Jake had forgotten the great wizard could read minds,Jake thought about what to say but before he could say anything the great wizard said,"I know you are planning to steal the fireworks",Jake started panicking "uuumm errrr",he said his stomach sinking deep down into his body,"I was not planning anything"Jake said,"SILENCE!!",shouted the great wizard,"okay",Jake muttered,Jake had forgotten that the great wizard could be so scary.Jake had not seen the great wizard in 2 years.

The great wizard had been on a journey to find his wizard friends so they could fight the great Mentodor,in the village of Soria you were not allowed to say Mentodor.The great wizard had gone to find the three greats, the three greats are a union of wizards that protect villages that are in peril by Mentodor.

The three wizards, are the great wizard, the sorcerer and the repugnator. Mentodor was a brave knight back in his day, he would do good deeds all around, but the same day he was out doing good deeds with his brother,they were fighting some bandits when Mentodors brother got slain in front of his very eyes.

He swore he would get revenge on those bandits but when that day came,he felt powerful when he killed the bandits, and then thats when his reign of terror started,he started seeking out the power stones, the power stones are four stones, one which holds the power of the universe, one which holds the power of fire and lava, one which holds the power of all water and sea, and the one to rule them all,it has the power of creating anything you want.

Mentodor was after these four stones, he wanted to become all powerful so he could reign everywhere even the universe.While Mentodor was trying to get the stones he did not realize there was a spy following him.

the three greats are a union of wizards that protect villages that are in peril by Mentodor.

The three wizards are the great wizard, the sorcerer and the repugnator. Mentodor was a brave knight back in his day, he would do good deeds all around, but the same day he was out doing good deeds with his brother,they were fighting some bandits when Mentodors brother got slain in front of his very eyes.

He swore he would get revenge on those bandits but when that day came,he felt powerful when he killed the bandits, and then thats when his reign of terror started,he started seeking out the power stones, the power stones are four stones, one which holds the power of the universe, one which holds the power of fire and lava, one which holds the power of all water and sea, and the one to rule them all,it has the power of creating anything you want.

Mentodor was after these four stones, he wanted to become all powerful so he could reign everywhere even the universe.While Mentodor was trying to get the stones he did not realize there was a spy following him.