Smartphone adoption, not even half way
efernandez, future, hardware, market, mobile, smartphones, technologyed fernandezAdoption, Bell Curve, Diffusion (business), Everett Rogers, Logistic function, Smartphone, smartphones, technology, Technology adoption lifecycle
Farewell & Flashback
BlackBerry, efernandez, experiences, management, market, mobile, people, RIM, smartphonesed fernandez2011, BlackBerry, farewell, Hong Kong, market, smartphones, spain
20 millas, cada día.
BlackBerry, efernandez, management, market, press, RIM, strategyed fernandezBlackBerry, leadership, RIM, smartphones, strategy
We can predict the future, it is just a question of computing power.
efernandez, future, management, market, mobile, strategy, telecommunications, Thinkinged fernandezbig data, future, innovacion, innovation, management, predictions, technology, tecnologia, trends
2011: BlackBerry en cifras
BlackBerry, efernandez, market, mobile, smartphones, strategyed fernandezBlackBerry, canalys, comscore, comscore gfk smartphones wireless, cuotas de mercado, gfk, smartphones