
" All business processes can be disrupted optimized and automated using Machine Learning when there's enough data available


Board level Competencies

Digital Transformation competencies with focus in applied Machine Learning, AI and Data Driven Transformation.

Technology enabled Innovation:


start-ups creation, mentoring & management

,Corp Venture Capital

Corporate Development: M&A, Joint Ventures, Strategic Partnerships. Early Stage Financing.

Sustainability & Social Responsibility: B-Corp

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Brine pickles fresh, organic produce from local farmers in California. Even our spices are fresh. Just because pickling is a preservation process doesn’t mean you can use dried-up thyme or week-old asparagus that’s already a little spongy. We want to give our customers crisp, crunchy and delicious pickled vegetables and fruits. Most of all, we want to expand people’s palates and prove that pickles don’t always come in a green or red variety.

Digital Transformation: Machine Learning, AI & Data Driven Transformation

Smoothed D3.js Radar Chart

test - digital transfo

"The new pickle."

— Postprandial Magazine